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Formation And Early Success

Damn Yankees: A Brief History of the Rock Supergroup

Formation and Early Success

WEB Damn Yankees were an American rock supergroup formed in New York City in 1989. The band featured an all-star lineup including Ted Nugent (guitar), Tommy Shaw (guitar and vocals), Jack Blades (bass and vocals), and Michael Cartellone (drums). Damn Yankees quickly gained popularity with their debut album, which spawned the hit singles "High Enough" and "Coming of Age." The band's sophomore album, "Don't Tread on Me," was also a commercial success, featuring the hit single "Mr. Jones."

Decline and Dissolution

Despite their initial success, Damn Yankees' popularity began to decline in the mid-1990s. The band released two more albums, "Damn Yankees" (1994) and "Supergroup" (1996), but neither album achieved the same level of success as their earlier work. Damn Yankees disbanded in 1997, with the members going their separate ways.


Damn Yankees were a unique and exciting rock supergroup that enjoyed a brief but successful career. Their music continues to be enjoyed by fans around the world, and their influence can be heard in the work of many contemporary rock bands.
